Holotopia Summary

Now that so many international summits, expert teams, academic communities and grassroots initiatives are seeking ways to resolve “the climate crisis”, make our economy “green”, our civilization “sustainable” and the world “work for all”, we must ask: 

Is this enough?

Or is ‘a piece in the puzzle’ still missing, without which there are no solutions?

Ode to self-organization – Part Two

“In our quest for knowledge, an undertaking as old as the humankind, we have reached the point where we just have to continue through self-organization” is the claim I made at the end of Ode to Self Organization – Part One, and I promised to explain why in Part Two. A motivation for taking up …

Holoscope for the Buckminster Fuller Challenge

When he foresaw the end of scarcity, Buckminster Fuller had in mind not only the elimination of poverty, but also of scarcity-based competition, which continues to mark the political and social climate we live in. In March 1969 Fuller spoke to the US Senate Subcommittee on Intergovernmental Relations about his “World Game” proposal, which he …

Back in the USA

Friday August 7th I landed on the San Francisco airport and rode a shuttle bus to the house of Linda and Charlie, my old friends and colleagues, on the lovely UC Santa Cruz campus. The same evening we attended the opening of the Cabrillo Festival of Contemporary Music. What striked me as especially positive about …

What is knowledge federation?

For a couple of years my fellow federators and I have been reflecting about a mountain top view that would profile knowledge federation and point at its advantages. Last June I was invited to talk about this subject to the Knowledge and Data Engineering Group of the Trinity College, Dublin, and, I felt, the intuitive ideas …

Beyond Wikipedia

Last Monday in my Socio-Semantic Web and Knowledge Federation course I gave a lecture titled “Beyond Wikipedia.” The purpose of this lecture was: To explain to the students the notion of knowledge federation and To import into the course knowledge base the wealth of ideas that have been developed in connection with Wikipedia.   ‘Wikipedia vs. Britannica’ …

How to marry optimism with ecology

While most of us are now becoming aware that some rather profound changes may need to happen if our grandchildren should have a world to live in, Paul Ehrlich has been giving us this message for over forty years, from the authoritative post of a Stanford University Biology Professor.  A few days ago I heard …